Complimentary delivery to a single location for orders $500+ and above.
For orders below $500+, a delivery charge of $50+ per location is applicable.
Pick Up Information
Orders must be made at least 3 days in advance.
Pick up point is at 1864, located on Level 5 of the hotel.
Got the sweet tooth?
Elevate your gatherings with individual or whole cakes and pastries. Meticulously crafted by our pastry chefs, they are perfect for any occasion or for solo indulgence.
Got the sweet tooth?
Elevate your gatherings with individual or whole cakes and pastries. Meticulously crafted by our pastry chefs, they are perfect for any occasion or for solo indulgence.
Got the sweet tooth?
Elevate your gatherings with individual or whole cakes and pastries. Meticulously crafted by our pastry chefs, they are perfect for any occasion or for solo indulgence.
Got the sweet tooth?
Elevate your gatherings with individual or whole cakes and pastries. Meticulously crafted by our pastry chefs, they are perfect for any occasion or for solo indulgence.